Thursday 6 April 2023

Hanuman Janamostav: An auspicious festival

Hanuman Janamostav is an auspicious festival that commemorates the birth anniversary of Lord Hanuman, one of the most popular and revered deities in the Hindu pantheon. The festival is celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm all over India, especially in North India, where Lord Hanuman holds a special place in the hearts of the people.

The story of Lord Hanuman's birth is a fascinating legend from Hindu mythology that is recounted on this occasion. According to the legend, Lord Hanuman was born to Anjana, an apsara who had been cursed to be reborn as a monkey. It is said that Anjana performed intense penance and devotion to Lord Shiva, who was pleased with her and granted her a boon that she would be reborn as the mother of a divine child.

Lord Hanuman was born from the union of Anjana and Kesari, a Vanara king. His birth was a divine miracle, as he was born with the blessings of Lord Shiva, who had appeared before Anjana and granted her a divine fruit to eat. It is said that Lord Hanuman was an incarnation of Lord Shiva himself and possessed extraordinary strength, intelligence, and devotion from the moment of his birth.

The festival of Hanuman Janamostav is celebrated on the full moon day in the Hindu month of Chaitra, which falls in March or April. On this day, devotees gather at Hanuman temples and offer special prayers and offerings to the deity. Many devotees also observe a fast on this day, consuming only fruits and milk until the evening.

One of the most significant aspects of the festival is the recitation of the Hanuman Chalisa, a hymn that praises Lord Hanuman and his virtues. The Hanuman Chalisa is a devotional poem composed by Tulsidas, a famous saint and poet of the 16th century. It is believed that reciting the Hanuman Chalisa with devotion and sincerity can help one overcome obstacles and achieve success in life.

Another important ritual of the Hanuman Janamostav is the distribution of prasad, a sweet dish made from jaggery and sesame seeds. The prasad is considered to be a symbol of Lord Hanuman's blessings, and consuming it is believed to bring good luck, prosperity, and happiness to the devotees.

In many parts of India, Hanuman Janamostav is celebrated with grand processions and parades. Devotees carry colorful idols of Lord Hanuman on chariots, accompanied by musicians and dancers, and make their way through the streets of their town or village. The air is filled with the sounds of devotional songs and chants, and the atmosphere is electric with the fervor of the celebration.

In addition to its religious significance, Hanuman Janamostav is also an occasion for family and friends to come together and celebrate. People dress up in new clothes, decorate their homes and temples with flowers and lights, and prepare special dishes to share with their loved ones.

The festival of Hanuman Janamostav is a symbol of courage, strength, and devotion, values that are embodied by Lord Hanuman. It offers an opportunity for people to strengthen their faith and seek the blessings of the divine. May this Hanuman Janamostav bring joy, prosperity, and peace to all!

Below are five of the most popular and revered ones:

1. Salasar Balaji Temple, Rajasthan: This is a famous temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman located in the small town of Salasar in Rajasthan. It is believed that the temple was established in the 18th century and is now visited by thousands of devotees every day.

2. Sankat Mochan Hanuman Temple, Varanasi: This temple is situated in Varanasi, one of the holiest cities in India. It is believed that the temple was established by Tulsidas, the famous saint and poet who composed the Hanuman Chalisa.

3. Mehandipur Balaji Temple, Rajasthan: This is another famous temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman located in the town of Mehandipur in Rajasthan. The temple is known for its unique rituals and is believed to have the power to cure people of mental and physical illnesses.

4. Hanuman Temple, Connaught Place, New Delhi: This is one of the most famous and oldest temples dedicated to Lord Hanuman in Delhi. Located in the heart of the city, the temple attracts a large number of devotees who come to seek the blessings of Lord Hanuman.

5. Sri Hanuman Temple, Hampi, Karnataka: This temple is located in the ancient city of Hampi, which was once the capital of the Vijayanagara Empire. The temple is known for its beautiful architecture and is considered to be one of the most sacred places dedicated to Lord Hanuman in South India.

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Hanuman Janamostav: An auspicious festival

Hanuman Janamostav is an auspicious festival that commemorates the birth anniversary of Lord Hanuman, one of the most popular and revered de...